Saturday, October 10, 2009


"asgfdjghfg" aka the infamous keyboard mashh
-occurs when you're dad flips out on you randomly in the night

So today I get home from a basketball game and explain to my parents that I am going to a restaurant thats kindaaa far. After I get out of the shower and begin to dress myself, my dad bursts in and starts to rant about how driving with other teens is "unsafe". I politely dismiss him with the "but you never had this problem before" excuse. Clearly flustered, he leaves and I proceed on my saturday night escapade. Upon finishing dinner, I checked my phone and see that it has accumulated 5 missed calls, and two angry texts from my father detailing me to come home and stop driving other people. Soooo i drive home, drop my friends to their cars, and continue with the night's plans....

...Just momments ago I was again forced to endure my father's tirade about the dangers of driving other teens. I believe at one point he justified my sister's previous illegal driving of people by yelling, "I JUST DONT CARE ABOUT ASHLEY."- Sorry to hear that ash.

Admittedly, I am blinded by the natural teenage "I'm invincible" superego. But to allow my sister and I to drive our friends for the past year without interruption and then to suddenly put this limit on me is worthy of a keyboard mashh. At least Al Gore would be proud of me for preserving the environment by reducing gas emissions.

Well all I can do now use Jack Johnson's jingles to settle my anger and begin to realize my faults. This will be a fun night.

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